My life according Thåström
Using only song names from ONE ARTIST or GROUP, cleverly answer these questions.
Try not to repeat a song title.
Pick your Artist:
Are you a male or female:
Hjärter dam
Describe yourself:
Flicka med guld
How do you feel:
Främling överallt
Describe where you currently live:
En vacker död stad
If you could go anywhere, where would you go?
En perfekt värld
Your favourite form of transportation:
Som tåg av längtan
Your best friend?
Älska dig själv
You and your best friend are:
I en spegel som jag har
What's the weather like:
Blå himlen blues
Favourite time of day:
Bara när jag blundar
If your life was a TV show what would it be called?
Kaos Passageraren
What is life to you:
Ingen neråtsång
Your relationship:
Från himlen sänt
Your fear:
Precis som ni
What is the best advice you have to give:
Stå aldrig still
Thought for the Day:
Jag är en idiot
My motto:
Men bara om min älskade väntar
Try not to repeat a song title.
Pick your Artist:
Are you a male or female:
Hjärter dam
Describe yourself:
Flicka med guld
How do you feel:
Främling överallt
Describe where you currently live:
En vacker död stad
If you could go anywhere, where would you go?
En perfekt värld
Your favourite form of transportation:
Som tåg av längtan
Your best friend?
Älska dig själv
You and your best friend are:
I en spegel som jag har
What's the weather like:
Blå himlen blues
Favourite time of day:
Bara när jag blundar
If your life was a TV show what would it be called?
Kaos Passageraren
What is life to you:
Ingen neråtsång
Your relationship:
Från himlen sänt
Your fear:
Precis som ni
What is the best advice you have to give:
Stå aldrig still
Thought for the Day:
Jag är en idiot
My motto:
Men bara om min älskade väntar